This ended up being the longest code that I've made! Just because I had to create a line for each of the 8 cases.
Brian also helped me with the code that creates a sine wave motion in the objects as well as places a random force. This helps to make the scene look more like it is underwater, with the objects bobbing up and down and around the scene. I did decide not to add this script to the net object, as visually I liked the idea that it was too heavy to push or pull.
I also placed Box Colliders on all of the trash objects, except the net because there was too much of an issue of the objects clipping into the floor. Although I may take this off of both of the six-packs models as I think that it gives them too much of a stiff feeling. I used box colliders so as the scene fills up with trash it wouldn't be as intensive on the system as using mesh colliders.
I decided at the very last minute to create some coral in Tinkercad! I just thought the scene needed a bit more set dressing, but I did not want to add too much as I still want the focus to be the accumulation of the garbage over time.
This week I also did a lot of research on creating gestures in Kinect/Unity. This seems a little beyond me right now, but if I do still implement the circular hand motion I think I will try to plot it in code with a 4 pointed diamond shape. Of course, this is way harder (to me) than just saying it! My other choice would be to use Machine Learning, which would be teaching a program the circular motion, and their variations, over time. It would then be able to give me the information I would need to code it to the Unity script. The backup plan is to use the wave motion that is already scripted into Unity by the Kinect with MS-SDK by RF Solutions.
A quick video of what I have so far!
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